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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.

Primary Transition Liaison

Welcome to Thornhill Academy Transition Page

We are delighted to welcome you as a Year 7 student at Thornhill Academy or a prospective Year 6 student. This may be an exciting time for some, and a nervous time for others – that’s fine! To help you find your feet, explore our school and research any questions you may have we have created this helpful page but also a ‘Moving up guide’, so that you’re as prepared as can be for joining us.

Whether you’re joining us alongside lots of your primary school friends or are the only person moving up from your class, don’t worry! This section will help answer lots of questions you may have, ensuring you know what to expect here at Thornhill.

At Thornhill, we are committed to providing all our students with the opportunities to develop as learners and grow as individuals. We have high expectations in terms of the behaviour and commitment to learning of our students, and also depend on strong relationships with parents in supporting individual student progress. We offer a vibrant, exciting and inclusive all-round education, where each student’s unique needs, character and potential are recognised and respected. The staff at Thornhill commit themselves tirelessly to student success and wellbeing, and we celebrate the progress and achievements our students make.

We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of the Thornhill community!

Mrs S Hamilton


Although the majority of our pupils join us from our partner primary schools, we are always pleased to welcome pupils from other primary schools in Sunderland, the UK, and even other parts of the world. 

Parents of children in all primary schools are welcome to apply for places. For more information and to apply for a place online click here.

Our partner primary schools are:

Barnes Infant Academy

Barnes Junior School

Broadway Junior School

Diamond Hall Infant Academy

Diamond Hall Junior Academy

Hudson Road Primary School

Richard Avenue Primary School

Valley Road

We have a well-established primary liaison programme whereby all pupils in our partner primary schools benefit from learning experiences here at Thornhill.

The Thornhill Way 

The Thornhill way is an agreed upon set of expectation which all students and staff invest in throughout the school. As long as you follow The Thornhill Way you will be following our expectations.

Year 7 Team and Support 

Head of Year - Miss J Coates

Form Tutors

7A -Miss E Armstrong

7B- Mr D Smith

7C- Miss M O'Neil

7D- Miss C Boyd

SLT Link- Miss L Coates

Useful contacts:

Miss J Coates - 07809340783

Miss L Coates - 07809702469

Our School Day 

Below is our current daily timetable for all Year groups:


On school site


Line up for Learning

08:40 – 09:00



Period 1

10:00- 11:00

Period 2




Period 3




Line Up for Learning


Period 4

13:45- 14:45

Period 5


Our Uniform 

At Thornhill pupils wear their uniform with pride. Further details about our uniform is available in the attached uniform guide document at the bottom of this page.

Our PE Uniform is detailed below :



What equipment do you need? 

All of our students come to school prepared for their lessons.

Equipment Item


A black school bag

The bag must be black and big enough to hold an A4 folder

A Thornhill School Planner

You will be given the planner on your first day. You must have your planner out on the table every lesson.

A black / dark coloured waterproof coat

The coat must not be sweater type material or light coloured, Body warmer and Gillet type garments are not permitted. Denim or leather jackets are also not permitted.

A Pencil Case

A pencil case large enough to hold all of the equipment you need in school to allow you to be ready to learn.

2 Black pens

It is important you have more than one black pen. We write in black pens in all of our books at Thornhill

1 Green pen


2 Pencils

You must have 2 pencils in your equipment . We use pencils to draw all diagrams in school.

A Ruler

At Thornhill we underline our date and title on every piece of work and use a rule every time we need a straight line.


Line up for Learning 

Line up for learning happens twice a day at Thornhill. Once as the start of the day before AM’PD and once after lunch time before period 4. You line up in your tutor groups, in a single file line in alphabetical order.


On a Morning your tutor will check that you have your full uniform on, you have your planned and all of your equipment. Your tutor will also check that you are not wearing any jewelry.


After lunch your period 4 teacher will re-check your uniform ensuring you are wearing this to a high standard. Your Head of Year will give you any important messages that you need for the rest of your day.

Praise and Reward 

At Thornhill we are proud of our culture of positivity, and we seek to acknowledge and reward students regularly.

Praise Points

Every lesson, students can gain Praise Points for meeting our classroom expectations and for demonstrating our school values of Excellence, Partnerships and Opportunity. One student is selected to be ‘Star of the Lesson’ and each week subject departments nominate a ‘Star of the Week’ where we celebrate this achievement in assemblies. Students can also achieve Praise Points for attendance, homework, pieces of wonderful work, and being prepared with full uniform and equipment. Students can then spend their points in our Thornhill Rewards Store with a wide range of items on offer!

WoW Wednesday

Every Wednesday students who have been recognized for producing wonderful work can come along to receive a small treat and share their wonderful work.

Rewards Events

We regularly offer events to students as a reward for excellent attitude and effort and there is something on offer every term. Some examples of these are music gigs, STEM challenges, trips to the theatre, craft workshops, fun sports events. At the end of the year, we host a full rewards day with our very popular trip to Flamingo Land alongside a range of other options students can choose from.

Each term ends with a fun celebration assembly to acknowledge and reward the hard work of ALL students in each year group.

Preparing for your First Day 

During the 6 weeks holidays


Complete (Yes/No)

Purchase all of your uniform and equipment listed in the moving up guide


Start to research some of the themes you will be learning about in Half term 1


Do a practice run of your journey to and from school so you know where you are going


The night before …


Complete (Yes/No)

Full Uniform ready and laid out


Bag fully packed including all equipment listed in the moving up guide


An alarm set to give you plenty time to wake up, wash, get ready and travel to school


An early night so you are well rested for the day ahead


On your first morning …


Complete (Yes/No)

Wake up when your alarm goes off – No snoozing


Get ready making sure you check you are wearing all the uniform in the moving up guide


Pick up your bag with all of your equipment in


Leave the house in plenty time to get to school to be there for 08:30am


Once your at school …


Complete (Yes/No)

Be at school by 08:30


Make your way to your line up for learning location (next to Drama) – if you have forgotten ask any staff or students


Line up in alphabetical order


Await further instruction from your form tutor and Head of Year


Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Where do I go on my first day if I don’t know where I am going?

All of our staff where our Thornhill Hill Hi-Vis jackets. All Head’s of Year and some members of SLT will be on duty at the school gates you can ask any of them who will help. All of our students are also kind and willing to support all of our new students in finding their way around.


  • How do I pay for my lunches?

Our school works off a cashless system. During your first day you will have your thumbprint taken by our helpful staff. Your parents can top up your account using parentpay. This means that you will use your thumbprint at the till to pay for break and lunchtime food or drinks. If you receive free school meals this will automatically e added to your account after breaktime.


  • What if I don’t have any friends?

All students starting with us in Year 7 will worry about If they will keep their friends or be able to make new ones. You will have opportunities to meet new people and complete tasks and activities to develop strong and supportive friendships. If you are still struggling we have a team of PALS that work with students to help them develop their support network.


  • What happens if I am late to school?

If you are not in school on time your name will be taken as you enter the school gates, you will then go to the Learning Resource Centre where you will need to explain your reason for lateness. This reason will be communicated with your parent/carer. If you are late 3 times you will receive a detention. If you arrive later than 09:10 am you will receive a U code- This will impact on your attendance.


  • How do I report an absence?

Your parent/carer should notify the school before the start of the school day if you are not going to attend school. This should also include a reason for your absence. If you do not supply us with a reason you will receive a home visit.


  • What if I get a detention?

As long as your follow the Thornhill Way you should not receive a detention. If you do you will be told of this by the teacher who issues you this. At the end of Period 5 your teacher will take you to the detention area and you will complete a 30 minute detention in silence. If you receive 2 detentions in a day your detention will be 45 minutes long.


  • Who do I talk to if I have a problem?

You can talk to any member of staff in school if you have a problem. All students at Thornhill have an identified trusted adult they can talk to about any concerns. If you are unsure got to your form tutor or your Head of Year.


  • What if I forget my planner or equipment?

In secondary school you should make sure you take responsibility and bring all of your equipment however, if you do forget your planner you will be provided with a planner sheet which you will need to keep on your desk as your would your planner.


  • What if I get lost during the day?

During changeover, break and lunchtime your will find all members of Thornhill staff wearing a Thornhill Hi-Vis. You can ask them directions and support to help you around the buildings making sure you get to your lessons on time.