Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health Strategy
Thornhill Academy Mental Health Strategy will prioritise the prevention of mental health and well-being concerns through a well sequenced PSHCE curriculum and a focus on building emotional intelligence and resilience through all areas of the curriculum and beyond. A focus on early intervention to meet the social, emotional and mental health needs of children and staff who have emerging needs. Creation of systems equipped to identify escalating needs of students to support students and staff and identify onward referral pathways beyond Thornhill Academy. A whole school commitment to mental health and well-being CPD for all staff with an enhanced, well-planned offer to those offering internal intervention. A strong internal intervention offer formed from evidence-based practice where impact is monitored through a robust quality assurance system.
Students at the school will have access to:
- School Counselling
- Social Emotional and Mental Health Intervention
- Emotional Resilience Intervention
- Youth Drug and Alcohol services
- Early Help Team
- Early Help Intervention
- Social Prescribers
- C Card - Sexual health and Advice
- Behaviour Intervention
- Mentoring
- Peer mentors- PALS
The school works closely with Multi Agency Partners who are also available for further advice and support :
- Washington MIND - Mental health and Wellbeing for adults and under 18s -
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) - 0191 283 1153
- Children and Young Peoples Service (CYPS) - 0191 566 5500
- Intensive Community Treatment Service (ICTS) 0191 566 5500
- Mental Health Resources Library (